Adding Numbers: Lesson 2: Fun with Addition

Lesson 2 is all about having fun with addition. Adding numbers is like a magic tool that helps you solve everyday problems and have fun with math. Let’s explore some cool things you can do with it.

1. Counting Friends: Imagine you’re at a party, and you want to know how many friends are there. If you count 3 friends on one side and 4 friends on the other side, you can add 3 + 4 to find out that there are 7 friends at the party.

2. Toys and Treats: You can use addition to figure out how many toys or treats you have. If you have 2 teddy bears and 5 toy cars, you add 2 + 5 to see you have 7 toys in total.

3. Sports Scores: Addition is also used in sports. You can add the points your team scores in a game. For example, if your team scores 3 goals and 2 baskets, you add 3 + 2 to get a total of 5 points.

Now that you know how to add numbers. So, keep practicing, and you’ll become a math wizard in no time! Remember, math is all around us, and it can be a lot of fun to explore.